~ Sakura
Today is an eventful day .
We went to Sakura to have buffet after school .
But when we reached there , it's still early .
So we went to West Coast park .

We took alot of pictures .
When I was loading the pictures onto my lappy , it suddenly hang .
And no matter how i restart it just won't load .
No choice but to reformat .
Therefore all pics are lost . T_T

Anyway the food there is awful .
And when I say awful , it really is that bad !
All the dishes are cold , and worst of all , they tasted weird .
Weird in the sense of , the ingredients don't goes well with the sauce .
The sweet and sour fish was horrible .
I can cooked better I swear .

The mushroom with potato was .. I can't find a word to describe .
All of us know how it is like when u chew on a potato .
But the potato that we chew there .. was ..
I don't know ..
It's like chewing rubber potato .
Or did the chef put wrong ingredients ?

I'm not having any typos and you're not seeing things .
Seriously , I don't know how to feel when i ate that dish .
Cos' personally , I loved potato and mushrooms .
But after eating that dish , I guess I won't touch them for another month .
That is how bad it is .

Not to mention the shark fin soup .
Of cos' it's fake one I know .
But it's TOO FAKE !
Shark fin that we eat outside , the what u call that , gravy? is so smooth .
And the taste is .. excellent !
But the shark fin that i ate at the buffet .. was ...
Horrifying !
The gravy's so sticky , no mater how u shake the spoon , they still stick together .
And best of all , NO TASTE !
It's worst than the salted vege soup that I've cooked .
Can you imagine ?
SALTED vege soup already no taste .
Not to mention shark fin's soup .

Conclusion : I won't visit there again .
Those at Toa Payoh and Orchard are still ok ..
But the one at West Coast ..
No thanks .
After dinner , Calvin had to meet his friends so only left with the four of us :
Me , Rebecca , Julian and Benjamin .

Reb suggested we go watched night scenery since we can't think of anything to do and none of us feel like going home yet . So she direct Julian the way . I've forgotten how many U-Turns we've made . Girls have poorer sense of directions eh ? * shakes head at reb *
We reached there around 20 mins later . We had to drive up a small hill and it's so dangerous !
So dark and the road it's so narrow , plus the hill is considered quite steep and our Julian just got his license less than a month ago . I fear for our lives . T_T
In any case , we reached the top of the hill safely . It's so cooling and so peaceful . I love peace . Alot . That's why i hate people who keeps nag at the same issue . I've heard you . So will you kindly shut up that mouth of yours ? Saw quite a few couples there enjoying the scenery and embracing each other .. So sweet . Then when the 4 of us appear , it's like kinda spoil the atmosphere . LOL . BUT WE DON'T CARE . HAHAHAHA .
There's this spiral thingy where you can go all the way up to have a better view so we went up there . And guess what . It's even more cooling there ! My wig almost flown off ! NO LA ! My hair is 100% real ok ! If you pull will pain one hor . Aiya , just trying to illustrate how cooling it is up there .
The scenery was .. chio .
Yep . The world is so dark but the long lamps along expressways and alongside small roads lit them up so beautifully . It was like in fairytale ! You know how Santa Claus travel with his reindeer looks like ? I actually saw how those light created a shape of the what you call the thing that Santa Claus sat on .. travel chair? But I can't upload the pics . Stupid lappy . Even my ham ham de pics also lost lor ! I think I took 30+ pics of them . ALL GONE ! T____T
Anyway back to the night scenery . I also saw a london bridge created by those lamp posts . It's a very long and straight expressway .. Think towards Tuas . It's so long .. like a never ending story .. :D
And because we're so high up , all the cars moving looked so small ! I can cover the little car with just a small portion of my little finger . And the whole world knows how short my little finger is . Next time I'll take a picture of it . It's half the length of my 4th finger . Don't ask me why it's so short , I also don't know . But I still can play piano ok ! So stop teasing me .
It's all so fairytale ! I can just imagine with the snap of my fingers , the light will turn off and the whole world will go to sleep . I can also imagine moving the vehicles on the road like how you moved them on a small board game . I even suggested to reb that , we can move the couples apart . Cos on the spiral thingy , everything look so small . It doesn't seem to take much energy to move them around . Anyway when you played those board games , do you even care if you put those characters apart ? It's only until when we walked down the spiral thingy , and saw the actual size of the human ( couples ) .. embracing each other , whispering into each other's ears probably how important they are in their lives , that you realised that , how cruel you'll be if you are to pull them apart .. and how heavy they are . HAHAHAHAHHA .
As for Ben and Julian , I guess they're talking bout cars and license ? Cos's Julian has passed his license , but Ben is still learning . So am I ! Hehe . Guys don't talk bout other more interesting things eh ? How I hope I have a bunch of friends , guys and girls including , where we can bitch and gossip around . How fun would it be ? I hate to talk to them regarding car's spare part , how they fixed their computers , gambled away their money . No thanks .
Even if you're interested to say , please don't find me . Cos' I don't know how to entertain you . I'd probably just nod my head with agreement or stare into blank space day-dreaming bout what I'd do later on and find an excuse to leave ( If i'm with you . If we're on the phone , i'd probably tell you my phone is going flat / my mum wanna use the phone / I wanna sleep / I forgotten to feed my ham ham .. ) . So if you see me doing that , please stop your current conversation . :D
But we can't totally put all the blame on the guys too . I don't think they'd be interested if we keep talking bout our nails and hair and menstruation .
But I'm a good friend after all . If you're my good friend , I'll listen to you no matter how boring it is . I'd probably also give you advice which might or might not be useful . But I'll hear you out . After all when guys talk to girls about their problems , they just wanna vent it all out right ? Sometimes opinions that you gave to guys often fall on deaf ears . So .. HELLO FRENS ! I'LL BE THERE , that is , if you need me :D
Wow how did I managed to change the topic from night sceneries to friendships .. * shock *
After that Julian sent all of us home . I was kinda out of the way cos' Ben and Reb stayed at Boon lay , Julian at Choa chu kang and me at Woodlands . So after sending Reb and Ben off , we have to pass by Choa chu kang then head to woodlands . Then he had to drove back to Choa chu kang again . But he sent me home nevertheless ! How nice of him :D

posted by Jia Hui at 10:36 AM |