~ Happy Birthday :D
Happy birthday !!

This year damn suay !
Birthday falls on a day before exam .
So we were studying so hard lor !!

They were so stressed !!
For me still ok la ..
Cos maths is one of the better subjects . :D

Shen Han looks like he's dying ..

This pic looks like Jia Yi's drinking Shen Han's milk ..
I wanna take pic of her but she hide there .

She's eating donut sneakily ..
Think we dunno ..
So hardworking hor ..
Eating still need to hold on to test paper ..

This one she looks like some fattie always eating la ..
Aiya anyway she's one fattie and is always eating ..
Muahahahahahhaa ...

Calvin had one donut too .

And this Yu Han ..
She's just woken up ..
And it's like so zhun can !
Cos Calvin's mum had finished preparing the food .
I think Yu Han's a dog in her previous life .
She can smell food ten miles away ..

Prepared by Calvin's mum .
All home-made de ok !!

And Mango Cake !!
My Favourite ..
I had always thought if it's possible to merge chocolate and mango together to form a mang0-choco cake ..
Cos all along the mango cakes you buy, it's vanilla inside yea ?

And OMG this is different !!
It's really chocolate inside !!
Or is it i'm so retard that I've never seen one before ?
Anyway I'm excited la :D

Ice cream with lychee and pineapple ..

I looked so tall eh ?
How I wish I have that height . :(

Ok .. From here onwards ..
We'll see the unglam(S) of my fattie gf ..

Muahahahaha .. Ok enough of her ..

Xav bought this cake and celebrate my birthdae with me and my family ..
Thanks :D

Below are 2 videos ..
Somehow I only managed to capture a few seconds .
And just nice that few seconds are exactly the same ..
Just that one is in english version ..
And the other in chinese version ..

LOL ..
Really a few seconds eh ?
Just nice they're singing the 2nd last sentence of the birthday song ..

Anyway I enjoyed my birthday alot !
Thanks guys :D
posted by Jia Hui at 7:25 AM |