~ Attachment 1
Today is the 2nd day coming to this office .. Trainings should be completed by today la .. as we're supposed to start work tomorrow . Sian !

Luckily my fattie gf same attachment as me .. If not it'll be so ... not fun man ..

So this is my work place ..

Look so dull eh ?
So ! To survive this boring yet challenging job , I've prepared myself with alot of









You think what ? Informations ah ? Hello I'm Chai Jia Hui leh :D
So let's zoom in to the food section ..

Let's go clockwise starting from the yam yam for kids biscuits .
Inside this box there's actually 4 small packs .
They're my breakfast ..
Cos' every morning I'm in such a rush ma ..
So I bought this and leave it in the office lor ..

What the hell .. The biscuit is longer than my little finger .. I've always said how short my little finger is right .. Now let me show you just how short it is .

It's half the length of my 4th finger . Just imagine .. But I still can play piano ok ! Anyway later I'm doing manicure :D

Ok! Back to food !

Jia yi bought these honey sticks . She reckons that since we're telemarketers , we'll be talking on phone most of our time .. So our throat must be in the best condition .

The honey is actually in a straw . So you just bite the straw and suck out lor :D

The items below are bought from Bengawan Solo . We bought it just in case we get hungry after lunch . :D

Ok enough about food .
Anyway I've taken alot of videos of my babies these nights . Will update them asap . I'm too busy these few days :(
posted by Jia Hui at 11:03 PM |