~ Attachment
Aww ..
Just when I thought I can dye my hair red , I received an attachment by my stupid poly ..
It's not as if I never work before what..
And attachment means darn pathetic pay lor !!

So my school have assigned me to this telemarketing company , and they're paying me like $2/hr ? And the working hour is from 9 to 7 lor !! ARGH !

Seriously .. I rather be a construction worker la ..
But the good thing is that if we complete our attachment now , for our third year we can concentrate on our FYP ( final year project )

So today is the first day of training , and it's darn boring . Cos' I did sales before ma, so it's like I'm totally .. bored . T___T

Stupid attachment ! Not only does it have a pathetic pay , but also long working hours .. So because of this JOB , I have to change my tuition hours to 8pm to 10 pm . So on Monday , Tuesday and Thursday , my poor nephews can only sleep at 10 ..

Not only this , I have to go for my driving lessons regularly also .. And not to forget my facial appointments with New York ..

What a busy holiday ~
posted by Jia Hui at 10:36 PM |