I really hope school starts soon .. Never in my mind did I know that attachment sucks till this point . Put the pathetic pay aside , I still have a lot to complain about ! Their management is simply fcked up . So many backstabbers . So many people putting up a false front . If this is not for my grades , I would have left on the 2nd day of training . Enough about this , I'll rant again later .

So ! I've been watching this drama whenever I'm free . There's 2 parts .
1st is : It started with a kiss . ( 30 episodes )

Click here for ep 1 part 1

2nd is : They kissed again . ( 20 episodes )
Click here for ep 1 part 1

It's so real to me . Probably cos' I feel the same way as the female host in there . The one who looked quite dumb , and is rough and uncouth , and is so stubborn , and soft-hearted and emo and many more !

Ok the next question has no link with the videos but it just suddenly came into my mind .

Have you been in this situation before ? Whereby a guy in your class seeks your help on how to make the girl's feeling not fade for him ? And then you'll teach him all those tactics right ? Whereby those tactics are those which you hope your boyfriend / girlfriend will do to you ?

I've been in this so many many times !! I feel so good and bad after telling them what to do ..

1stly , I feel good cos' I knew I've taught them all the right things , whereby it does really help .. 2ndly I feel upset cos' now those people who seek for my help has become r/s pro . But what bout my guy ? I seriously hope there's one JiaHui in his class to teach him those tactics so that when the situation is really bad , he knows what to do , and not booze or smoke himself to death , that is , if he drinks or smoke . If he doesn't , I just hope he will do something bout it and not just wait for the situation to worsen .

I've always wished that , there will be this girl sitting next to my boyfriend in class .. Then my bf will ask her , " Hey ! Things are starting to worsen between me and her .. Is there anything I can do to make her stay by my side ? " Then the girl will give her those opinions . And it better be good quality ones .. Like maybe " oh you can call her every night to let her know that she's being missed . " and not those like " break up la ! She where good sia ? "

Aiya .. How come I say till here ? Back to the drama . I really hope people around me will watch this drama . Although it's romance-related , and would be boring for the guys , but watch it ! Their love really starts from the scratch . Aiya .. Just watch it ok ? I'm not asking you to watch all at one shot .. You can watch 1 episode each day .. By a month plus you'll finish it already .. It took me only 3 weeks to finish .. It's so touching and saddening and real !



P.S : If you want the songs in the dramas , I've got them all :D
P.S : THIS part is so .. familiar .. from 7.18


posted by Jia Hui at 11:11 AM |