~ Attachment actual start day :D
After 3 days of training , today we finally started working ! How come I sound so enthu ah ? The work is darn boring lor ! Unless you really have the motivation to keep calling .. And today I have all the motivation in the world !!
Muahahahahhaa !!

So today I closed around 7 deals . It's considered excellent for newbies ok ! Cos' those full time de daily target only 10 . I hit more than half of theirs leh ! :D

Ok la .. Stop hao lian-ing la . So today for our ( me and Jia Yi ) lunch .. We went to this Osahime Sushi Restaurant . This lunch cost us 1/4 of our attachment pay ! HAHA !! Cos' attachment is darn low pay de ma .. $2/hour .. Work till you die also not enough money to feed family .. Ok .. So we went to this restaurant and ate $97.70 worth of food .. Horrible .

This is what we ordered ..

For me , I ordered this katsu curry set . The chicken so nice leh .. Like KFC de .. Just that its 10x better ?

Jia yi ordered a unagi set ..

You noticed the soup ?
I was so amused when I saw the way they use that thingy ( I dunno what its called ) to put the soup .
Or is it I'm so sua ku never see before ?

I'm so sua ku that I actually did this ..

I seriously can't believe I pose this ..
At that time when I was taking the picture , I still thought it's fun ..
But now looking at this picture , I feel so stupid .


Anyway next dish is .. err .. I forgot the name ..
But I think it's grilled beef ..
The waitress said it's on promo now and kept saying how nice it is ..
So Jia Yi ordered it ..

And next up is Uni Sashimi ..
Jia Yi orderd this too .. It's sea urchin ??
And OMFG .. The portion is smaller than the size of my palm , and you know the size of my hand de lor .. and this thingy cost $25 ..

So our bill totals up to $97.70 :D

No wonder my mum always say I spend more than what I earn .. Tsk tsk ..

posted by Jia Hui at 9:59 PM |