~ 2012
While in lab .....

Lab assistant : So you connect this to this interface ... ( while pointing to that weird machine )

After the lab assistant walked away , I asked Calvin ..

Me : What's interface ?

He pointed to those ports and say that's interface .

Me : So interface is holes la !?

Calvin : Lol .. Yea ..

Me : Holes jiu holes la .. Wa piang .. My nose got 2 interfaces ! :D

Jia Yi : My CheeBye got interface :D


So while Calvin continued doing the lab , Jia Yi ( my fattie gf ) , Yu Han ( ah bian ) and me started chatting ..

Fattie : I can't wait for the theme park ( Universal Studio opening in Singapore in 2010 ) to open leh ! I want to go there and play ! HEHE !!

Me : By the time it opens , we already left 2 years to live lo ..

Fattie : Yea ..

Calvin : I don't believe la .. People say 2000 millenium we will die .. But also nothing happen what ..

Fattie : But now different ma .. That time nothing happen .. But now Singapore weather so hot .. At Clementi still got blizzard before .. Tsunami also recently nia .. Pasir Ris also got typhoon scene . Don't you realise things are starting to change ?

Han : Ya lor .. I've even bought my coffin liao .. But if the coffin man die how ah ?? Got the receipt but can't claim .. You know I also bought insurance already .. They now have this insurance package for the 2012 disaster leh .. like if you buy the insurance but you die , then your family members can collect your money ..

Me : Ho sey bo ! Then you ask your whole family go buy la ! Then you pray they die , but you must make sure you live . Then after the whole disaster ends you go to the insurance building collect .

Han : Ya ! If on my way there i saw my relatives still alive I'll kill them then continue my way to collect $$ HAHAHAHAHA !! But hor .. I must make sure I'm alive .. Hurry suggest where we can hide ..

Fattie : I will hide at home .. Aiya .. But home also hot hor .. Oh ! I know le .. Can jump into swimming pool ! :D

Me : LOL !! Then got pig soup can drink liao !! Cos by then the weather very hot .. Boiling water leh ! HAHAHAHAHAHA !!

Fattie : Then you jump in also.. Can add some veggie ! :D ( cos my surname is Chai )


Me : -_-; But seriously speaking what do you think will happen ah ?

Han : I think the sun will explode and give birth to 9 more ..

Fattie : Wa !! Cannot leh ! The one who shoot the sun de die liao ..

Han : Bo bian ! Who ask him last time shoot the other suns .. now the current sun buay song liao .. Want to explode in anger ..

Fattie : Then Calvin go and shoot ba !! But the arrow longer than him . How ah !?

Calvin : -_-;


Han : That's why you know Daikin recently invent portable air-con .. It operates with battery only . Cos' on 2012 hor .. I guess there'll be no electricity at all leh ..

Me : -_-;

Han : Ok ! I've made up my mind ! I'll start my intensive training ! From today onwards , I'll on my air-con to 25 degrees . Tomorrow 26 , then increase 1 degree per day .. Until 45 , 46 degrees .. Then till 100 , 101 , 102 degrees .. Then on the day itself , when everybody screaming the weather is very hot , then I stand at one side and say , " Still ok what .. Where got hot ? "


For those of you who don't know about the 2012 disaster .. You may want to read these articles ..

2012 : From the Mayan Elders Themselves

You might want to watch this video if you prefer visualising to reading ..

It's just a short preview of 5 minutes .. To watch the full video , just go to www.veoh.com . Sign up as a member which take less than a minute , install one programme which take less than 1 minute too , and you can watch the full video :D


What do you think ? Will the world really ends at 21st December 2012 ?

-If not then why is the whole world so freaked out ?

-If not then why would everybody talked bout this 21/12/12 date ?

-If not then why must the Mayan Calender ends just nice at that date ?


I even joked that the Mayans has run out of pen ink or paper to continue with the calender ..
So far all of their predictions have came true .. Tsunami .. Politics .. Typhoon .. Earthquake , Volcano eruptions .. Could this just be another guess of theirs that will lead to the end of the world ?

If you go to google and type the word Mayan Calender , it'll immediately shows those helping topics .. And one of those is mayan calendar 2012 .. *goosebumps*

I was just browsing the net and I saw this .. Might help to loose your nerves :D

It's kinda eerie you know . It's 9am while I'm typing this post. . The weather looks good , sun rising as per normal .. But I heard few (5) claps of thunders .. Why ? It's doesn't look like it wanna rain at all .. Well done .. I just heard the 6th thunder .. It's 9.20am now .. And it's raining heavily ..

Akon - Freedom
posted by Jia Hui at 9:23 AM |


  • At May 8, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Anonymous Calvin.,

    Haiz, people used to ask one another with questions like.

    "If you know that you will die tomorrow. What would you do while you could still live for the final 24hrs in your life?"

    Now this situation is like,
    "I'm telling you for real that we are all going to die 3 years from now. What will you do while you're still alive?"

    well, I really don't wanna die yet. So I'm not giving in to this Mayan thing.

    But before 2012 happens.
    I might just die, thanks to your fattie girlfriend!
    And I know I overheard an interesting "Specially Customized Coffin" to be built.!
    ThankS AH!

  • At May 9, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Blogger Jia Hui

    LOL ! That's Yu Han's suggestion .. A row of coffins , but yours is the shortest .. LOL . Shit .. I mean cutest XD