~ Age-ing
As many of you might have notice , I've embedded a playlist in my blog . The song will usually be related to the post . Or rather , my mood for that day .. Cos' if I have no mood , how to blog ? HAHA ! I'll change the song every time there's a new post ! :)

By the way , I've finished watching SLAMDUNK already ! :D
Oh my god it's so nice la !
I feel like watching again . Hehe ..

Watching this anime makes me think back when I'm still in secondary school ..
Where everything is just fine ..
Where you don't have to worry bout your future ..
When you need a shoulder , your friends are right beside you ..
When you need someone to talk to , you just dial the numbers ..

As we grew older , things started to change . We're not that innocent anymore . We have alot to worry bout ..

If you ask a 12 year old teenager what he wants to be , he can proudly tells you , " Pilot ! :D "
But if you ask a 20 year old young-adult what his future career will be like , he'd probably take some time to think , then frown , and probably just shrug his shoulder and says , " Frankly speaking , I don't know . "

He might be thinking .. Pilot ? Do I have the qualifications ? If yes , what's the income like ? Is it enough for me to support a family ? If no , I'd had to start as a normal crew first . If so .. Then what's my income gonna be like ? Will my family have to suffer with me ?

Scenario 1 : living alone with car

I'm already 20 years old .. If I start working now , and my basic annually income is $40,000($3,333/month) , by 28 years old( thinking of getting married ) , I only have $320,000. Is that enough ? If I deduct all my spending in that 8 years ..

Let's say $600/month for food ($7200/yr)

Random bills $500/month ($6000)

Car expenses $500/month ($6000)

House mortgage : $300/month . ($3600)

Total is already : $22800

I'd only have $17200 left .

8 years later : $137600 saved . ( only ? how to get married like that ? )

Scenario 2 : living with parents , no car .

$1000/month for food and transport ($12000/yr)
Random bills $500/month ($6000)
Total is : $18000
I'd only have $22000 left .

8 years : $176000 saved . ( is this even enough ? )

Then again , is $137600/$176000 enough for me to have a family , raise my children ? Of cos , let's say I'm still working and my income increased to $45000 , presuming wife working part-time ..

housing : $3600/yr ,

Bills : $3600/yr

car : $6000

food and transport for 2 children : $4000/year

education for 2 children : $1000/child ( $2000 /yr )

diapers / milk powder / child care / clothing / pocket money ..... : $$$ ?? ( I don't know how to calculate )

How much do I really need to earn to support my family ??

Probably while I'm sitting on my sofa typing this , some random people is sneezing .. LOL !

Anyway back to the point , being a kid is really carefree . They're so innocent , naive .. They have nothing to worry about . If they're upset , they just cry . If you're a mum , do you cry ? No ! You have to be brave and strong in front of your kids ..

How I wish I can go back to my school days .. The working society is really horrible. Speaking of which let's talk bout my attachment . IT SUCKS ! TO THE CORE !!

Firstly , I'm in an engineering course .. Why am I attached to some Bank ? And best of all .. why BANK OF CHINA ??? My job is to get customer to sign up for credit cards .. You know how difficult it is ??

Me :
The Bank Of China is newly launching this Great Wall card ..

Customer 1 : China ?? Not interested .

Me :
The Bank Of China is newly launching this Great Wall card ..

Customer 2 : China ?? No thanks .

Me : Since it's free why not give it a try ?

Customer 3 : I have serious issues with China . untill they clear the mess , then you come and find me .

Customer 4 :
I have the Bank of china card already .

Me : Oh which card do you have ?

Customer 4
: I think the one with Dragon ?

You think what ? China means got Dragon ? Not interested just say not interested , don't waste my time .. If china card means got dragon , Bank of Singapore have mermaid and lion ok .

... Fck you . As much as you're not interested , have serious issues with them .. You think I love them , adore them ? If not for my attachment , my grades , I'll just set fire on the company la . WTF .

All hypocrite . Their level of hypocrisy is probably the 1st in the whole world . And my team leader sucked to the core . She think her boobs big , ass big , means big deal ? Hello you forgot bout your tummy . Your tummy protrudes far more that your boobs la , na bei . Trying to act chio everyday stupid Filipino . And her hair is so oily .. Did she even wash it ? And she still dare to use my comb . Sucker . Smart Jia Yi kept her comb in her bag .

Filipino : Come on guys you all can do it . :D ( in a slutty voice )

Jia Yi : Can't la .. Nobody wants china card .

Filipino : You have to try ! Come on ! :D ( in a slutty voice )

Me : Really difficult .. All say not interested ..

Filipino : Then you have to use a flirty voice and talk to them .. ( in a slutty voice )

Alex : How to ? I'm a guy leh ..

Filipino : Alex , you have all the skills , I believe you can do it ! :D ( in a slutty voice )

Zheng Yuan (
By the way Zheng Yuan plays AUDI too !! And is freaking pro ! ) : So easy you come and try lor ..

Fillipino :
Come on Guyyys ... I believe you all .
( in a slutty voice )

Fck la .. nothing to say then keep say I believe you all .. Na bei .. She's 28 and have a 21 year old bf .. WTF .. Trying to act young or what ? ...

And the managers of this company .. All ... I don't know what to say .. They backstab each other to promote themselves . Why am I even polluting my blog talking bout them ..

Seriously , I never missed school this much . I rather go to school and listen to the lecturer crap than go to that stupid company . I have to endure one more week .. Just one more week ..

Allah , God , Buddha .. Please give me all the strength I need ..

___With the love of Allah___ , amen , amitabha .

I googled , but can't find the word , so I filled in the blank myself.

Yiruma - 27 May
posted by Jia Hui at 8:07 AM |


  • At April 12, 2009 at 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Your scenario 1 is so wrong..Haha let me recitfy for ya.. ; )
    600/month for food(7200/yr)
    Random bills $500/month ($6000/yr)
    Car expenses $500/month ($6000/yr)
    Car monthly installment $600/month
    car insurance($1200/yr)
    radio tax ($50/yr)
    House mortgage : $1200/month .
    Your shopping $200/month (2400/yr)
    Year expenses==$54050
    Total=Expenses($54050) - income(40k
    = '-ve' $14050
    So how are you going to save huh?

  • At April 15, 2009 at 8:59 AM, Blogger Jia Hui

    Hey Mr Anonymous , thanks for your concern :D

    Let's just count by per month 1st , smaller number easier to count :)

    Income = $3,333


    Random bills:$500

    Car expenses:$1140(according to my dad's current car)

    Radio tax:$4

    House mortgage : $800 (let's say I bought a much cheaper house cos' I'm leaving alone)


    Expenses : $3144

    Total : Income - Expenses = $89

    LOL ! At least still got save ok ? Not in the "-ve" yet . That's why I say .. how to get married like that ?


    I guess that's where the husband comes into the picture . HAHAHAHAHA !! =x

  • At April 26, 2009 at 9:52 PM, Anonymous Diana

    Hi Twinnie! It's me Diaboliquez! Remember?

  • At April 27, 2009 at 10:42 AM, Blogger Jia Hui

    Hello Diana !! So long never audi tgt le ! Arrange some time we audi.. XD